© Seunghwan Ji 2022
All rights reserved
All rights reserved
Personas born from Virus
Mocumentary Film
Mocumentary Film
This film is based on the designer’s personal experience during the COVID-19 situation. Breaking the
continuity of their own life into 4 different times and situations, they demonstrate how the pandemic has
produced multiple and distinctly separate projections of their identity. These multiple selves each repre-
sent a different phase of their own quarantine. Using the format of a zoom call between these multiple
selves, the film demonstrates the designers process into understanding how the situation has affected our
sense of identity during extended periods of isolation.
Against the backdrop of the increasing ambiguity and absurdity of a diverse modern society, the narcis-
sism and defense-mechanisms that individuals express are identified in their relationship with the technologies we use on a daily basis. In this work, the designer defines their identity as existing within a multiplicity upon reflection on the many identities they have experienced throughout their life. As an individual
belonging to a society, they undergo many encounters with their own identity as part of a modern society
and situation. Using various forms of digital and physical mediums in their process, the work demonstrates an urgency toward showing the ways in which our identities change over time. As part of this
project, the designer situates these shifts within the frame of the Covid situation in order to demonstrate
the huge impact it has had on the world but also on us as individuals. Through designing objects that
reveal their own shifts in identity, the project provides space and time for audiences to observe the subtle
or evident changes they too might have experienced during their own periods of isolation.